Mix Multiple Audio Files

The Cool Edit Pro. can solve the problem of mix a certain number of audio files. Only need a few simple steps.

Run Cool Edit Pro.

  Click the right mouse button in the "track 1" area, then press "Insert" to open the audio files you need to insert. (You can choose the file format need to open).
In the pop-up window select the audio files need to be edit,then cilck "Open" to open it. (In the drop-down menu you can choose to the file format.)
Use the same method  to insert another paragraph in "track 2" which you want to edit.
Drag the mouse to select the audio tracks you want to mix. (Selected region will be highlighted)
Right click on any space of the selected area, and select "Mix Down to File" to mix all the multiple sound files.
A new document called "Mixdown" appears in the left column which is the final mixed file.The waveform displays a single-track.
Then press this "save" button in the red box to save the mixed file.
Select the ouput format from the Save as type drop-down menu.

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