Recover Windows XP Administrator Password

If you want to change window XP Administrator Password please follow the below steps:

1 - Start your computer “Safe mode with Command Prompt”
     (For go to “Safe mode with Command Prompt” Press F8 key continuous until you get a black screen
      where you see many options to start you operating system from the options “Select the Safe mode with
      Command Prompt”)

2 - When your computer starts in DOS mode, type the commands net user
      (This command displays the list of users on this OS in ROWS )

3 - Now type the following commands to reset the windows Administrator password
net user username password
Note: Enter your username above and space then password.
Then it asks the new password without the last password.
Now type your new password ******
Again retype your new password********
Note: When you type the password, it will not be displayed
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