Add a Gadget Element under Header in Blogger Blogspot

1. Login to Blogger with your ID.
2. Click Layout.
3. Click tab Edit HTML.
4. Click sentence Download Full Template, it is very important for you to backup this!
5. Copy the code below, then paste it before code ]]></b:skin>

#under_header{ margin:10px 0; padding:1%; width:98%; }

6. Find out code which look exactly like this :

<div id=%u2019header-wrapper%u2019> <b:section class=%u2019header%u2019 id=%u2019header%u2019 maxwidget="1" showaddelement="no"> <b:widget id=%u2019Header1%u2019 locked=%u2019true%u2019 title=%u2019test (Header)%u2019 type=%u2019Header%u2019/> </b:section> </div>

7. Copy the code below, and paste it exactly after that code :

<div id="under_header"> <b:section class=%u2019header%u2019 id=%u2019underheader%u2019 preferred=%u2019yes%u2019/> </div>

8. Click SAVE TEMPLATE buttons, and wait until your template saved.
9. Now you already have an element which placed exactly below your header.
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