Quick Analyze Online for Get Google Labs Suggestions to Speed up Your Site

Page Speed Online is a web-based tool that allows users to analyze pages at any time, in any browser, without downloading an extension. It also features Page Speed Mobile analysis, which lets developers analyze their site as viewed by a mobile browser, and get suggestions specific to mobile optimization.

Page Speed Online provides webmasters and web developers with a simple and powerful online tool to perform Page Speed performance analysis with no installs. There are no browser and extension dependencies to install and you don't have to worry about keeping up-to-date with new versions of Page Speed.

Page Speed Online offers the new ability for web developers to analyze the performance of webpages as displayed in smartphones. Today, a number of web sites maintain two different versions of their site content: one is optimized for larger screen real-estate and higher bandwidth available to desktops and laptops over corporate and home networks. The other is optimized for a smaller screen real estate and the content is generally lighter: potentially less JavaScript, smaller images and less text.
Analyze Your Site: Visit Here

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