Set Gmail Attachment Reminder and Never Forget an Attachment

“Oops, I forgot the attachment in my previous email. Here it is” — I’m sure you would’ve either sent an email with this message to somebody (or) received an email with this message from somebody. When you are sending emails in a hurry you may forget to send attachments. It will look unprofessional when you are sending a very important business related email and forgot the attachment.

The cure is Gmail’s Attach Alerter. If you have the word ‘attach’ in the mail content, and did not attach anything, you will be alerted by Gmail before sending that email. To enable this feature, do the following.
  • Click on “Settings” link,
  • Click on “Labs” tab,
  • Select “Enable” option button in “Forgotten Attachment Detector”
  • Click on “Save Changes” at the bottom
This will help your message recipient not to receive inevitable follow-up emails with attachments.

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