Add Banner Adsense Above Blogger Header

Add a Google Adsense Ad Unit or an Affiliate Banner Above the Blogger Header

1. Login to Blogger if not already logged in

2. Navigate to Layout > Edit HTML

3. As a precaution back up your template by downloading the full template to your computer

4. Tick the Expand Widget Templates box

5. Using CTRL + F to bring up the search box find this line which in most templates will be directly after tag

<div id='outer-wrapper'>
6. Paste this block of code after this line to create a new section

<div id='topads-wrapper'>
<b:section class='topads' id='topads' preferred='yes'/>

7. Next we need to add some CSS styling to the new section. Please note that the banner will be centered by default. If you want to change the alignment for some reason you just need to change the CSS styling.

Place the following code in the head section of your template before these lines:


/* Top Ads
----------------------------------------------- */
#topads-wrapper {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
position: relative;
text-align: center;
width: 100%;

#topads {margin: 0; padding: 0;}

#topads .widget {margin: 0; padding: 5px 0;}

8. Click the Save Template button

9. Go to Layout > Page Elements

10. You will now see that you can add a gadget to a new section above your header and directly below the navbar.

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