Most of these environment variables are same for Windows XP
and Windows Vista/7 but some are different. So we are listing them separately for XP, Vista & 7.
Windows XP Environment Variables
Environment Variable Path %ALLUSERSPROFILE% C:\Documents and Settings\All Users
%APPDATA% C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\Application Data
%COMMONPROGRAMFILES% C:\Program Files\Common Files
%COMMONPROGRAMFILES(x86)% C:\Program File (x86)\Common Files
%COMSPEC% C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe
%HOMEPATH% C:\Documents and Settings\{username}
%PROGRAMFILES% C:\Program Files
%PROGRAMFILES(X86)% C:\Program Files (x86) (only in 64-bit version)
%SystemDrive% C:
%SystemRoot% C:\Windows
%TEMP% and %TMP% C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\Local Settings\Temp
%USERPROFILE% C:\Documents and Settings\{username}
%WINDIR% C:\Windows
Windows Vista and 7 Environment Variables
Environment Variable Path %ALLUSERSPROFILE% C:\ProgramData
%APPDATA% C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming
%COMMONPROGRAMFILES% C:\Program Files\Common Files
%COMMONPROGRAMFILES(x86)% C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
%COMSPEC% C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe
%HOMEPATH% C:\Users\{username}
%LOCALAPPDATA% C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local
%PROGRAMDATA% C:\ProgramData
%PROGRAMFILES% C:\Program Files
%PROGRAMFILES(X86)% C:\Program Files (x86) (only in 64-bit version)
%PUBLIC% C:\Users\Public
%SystemDrive% C:
%SystemRoot% C:\Windows
%TEMP% and %TMP% C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Temp
%USERPROFILE% C:\Users\{username}
%WINDIR% C:\Windows
NOTE: Here C: is the system drive where Windows is installed in your system. It might differ for you if you installed Windows in a different drive in your system.
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