Rename a batch of photos all at Once

To rename digital photos with a common name and sequential numbering:

1. Click Start and then click My Pictures.
2. Open a folder of digital photo files whose names you want to change.
3. Click Edit and then click Select All.

4. Right click on the first digital photo file in the list and then click Rename.
5. Type the name you want to use to identify all the digital photo files in the folder. Choose a name that allows you to identify a photo from this folder at a later date.

Note: Be sure to type the file extension after the file name. In this example we use the extension .jpg after the file name museum of flight august because these image files are jpeg format, which is the format that most digital cameras use.

6. Press Enter on your keyboard to rename all the digital photo files in the folder and add sequential numbering to the file names.

If you take a little time and go through your My Pictures folder and apply this technique to all your photos, the next time you try to find a specific photo you'll be glad that you did. And if you get into the practice of applying this technique right after you download your images to your computer, your digital photos will be well-organized and up-to-date as you accumulate digital memories.Source From

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