Enable or Disable the Desktop Cleanup Wizard

Here's how to enable or disable the Desktop Cleanup Wizard:

  1. Right-click an open area of the desktop and select "Properties" to open the "Display Properties" window.
  2. Click the "Desktop" tab and then click "Customize Desktop" to open the "Desktop Items" window.
  3. Check or uncheck "Run Desktop Wizard every 60 days" to enable or disable the Wizard.
  4. Click "OK" to exit the "Desktop Items" window and "OK" again to exit "Display Properties". 

If you want to run the Desktop Cleanup Wizard immediately, proceed to the "Desktop Items" window as outlined above and click the "Clean Desktop Now" button.

To restore a shortcut from "Unused Desktop Shortcuts", simple open the folder and drag the desired icon on to the desktop. If it opens maximized, you will need to click the folder's "Restore Down" button (the button beside the folder's "Close" icon) so that a part of the desktop is visible.

Note that The Desktop Cleanup Wizard only removes a desktop shortcut to a program or file and will not affect the program or file itself. 

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